
The Industry-II vertical deals with the following domains:

  • Steel 

  • Textiles, handlooms and handicrafts 

  • Food processing 

  • Marine products and plantation crops

  • Capital goods and engineering

  • Automotives

  • Circular economy

  • Blue economy

NITI-led initiatives include:

- Organisation of seminars, preparation of position papers, policy analysis and engagement with think-tanks. The vertical directly links these initiatives with the concerned Ministries and nodal departments of NITI Aayog.

- Proactively locating drivers having the potential to bring about disruptive change in their respective domains. The Vertical also looks for possible policy and programme responses to enable Indian manufacturing to appropriately respond to the emerging global and domestic environment.

- Laying a framework for early adoption of circular economy principles and processes in economic activities; and enable cooperation, collaboration and integration of initiatives and programmes in the blue economy domain.

NITI Aayog in consultation with the Ministry of Environment and Forest and Climate Change identified 11 areas to facilitate transitioning from linear to circular economy and to give an impetus to India’s Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan. The identified areas were Municipal Solid Waste and Liquid Waste, Scrap Metal (ferrous and non-ferrous), Lithium Ion (Li-ion) Batteries, Tyre and Rubber Recycling, Gypsum waste, End-of-life Vehicles (ELVs), Electronic Waste, Toxic and Hazardous Industrial Waste, Used Oil Waste (generated from tools and machines), Agriculture Waste and Solar Panels. These eleven areas either continue to pose considerable challenges or are emerging to be a threat.

In order to holistically address the challenges in these areas, NITI Aayog in March, 2021 constituted 11 Committees on Circular Economy headed by Secretaries/ Additional Secretaries of the respective Ministries/ Departments to develop action plans. NITI Aayog will be developing a strategy to address the issues that cut across sectors for promotion of Circular Economy Initiatives. 

Core Functions

Policy Formulation

The Vertical was actively involved in the consultative process during the development of the National Capital Goods Policy, 2016, and the National Steel Policy, 2017. In the recent past, the Vertical has been closely engaged in the development of the ‘Draft Recycling Policy’ and ‘Draft Maritime Policy’. Initiatives for circular economy and blue economy are at different stages of development by the relevant Ministries/Departments.  

Project and Schemes’ Appraisal

The Vertical provides key inputs for weeding out, rationalising or continuing schemes, as well as considering the objectives and intended outcomes of Government intervention.  

Research Studies

The Vertical initiates studies in the manufacturing sector to examine/evaluate a range of issues. The insights provided by these studies are utilised in the formulation of programmes and policies, or in decision-making.   

Coordination with Ministries

The Ministries/Departments regularly engage with the Vertical on mandated matters that are brought for the consideration of the Cabinet, Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA), EFC and SFC. In addition, Adviser (Industry) participates, as a member, in project approval committees constituted for administrative Ministries.  

Coordination with States

The Vertical engages with the assigned States, namely Madhya Pradesh and Kerala, on the issues referred by them. The lead role is taken by the respective Members of NITI Aayog. The issues raised by the Chief Ministers in the Governing Council meeting are taken up with the respective Ministries through the Governance Vertical of NITI Aayog. NITI Aayog was involved as a stakeholder in the process of developing the Atmanirbhar Madhya Pradesh Roadmap, on the request of the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh. Adviser (Industry II) was the nodal link officer for this special initiative.  

Interaction with Think Tanks and Industry Associations

The Industry Vertical frequently engages in industry-led discussion forums. It also provides support for the participation of Member (Industry), NITI Aayog, on public forums and for developing position on issues raised by industry bodies.

Line Ministries
  • Department of Heavy Industry

  • Ministry of Steel

  • Ministry of Textiles

  • Ministry of Food Processing

  • Department of Public Enterprise


  • CII


  • Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers

  • Material Recycling Association of India

  • Automotive Component Manufacturers Association

  • Textile Industry Associations

  • Export Promotion Councils

  • Ease of Doing Business: Enterprise Survey on Business Regulatory Environment in India, 2017

  • A policy paper on Capital Market Predation in the Internet Commerce Sector, IIM, Bengaluru, March 2019

  • Promoting Bicycles in India, 2019,

  • Evaluation Report on Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme, 2019

Current and Upcoming Projects
  • Development of Mega Textile Parks: Assessment and PPP Structuring Options, E&Y

  • Enabling the Ecosystem for Enhancement of Competitiveness in the Indian Capital Goods Sector: Focus on Machine Tools’ Sector and Electricals Manufacturing Sector

  • Transitioning from Linear to Circular Economy: An Impetus for India’s Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan (a synthesis report based on action plans by stakeholder ministries)

  • Action Plan for Promotion of Blue Economy (a synthesis report based on action plans by stakeholder ministries)

  • Challenges in Promoting Producers’ Companies in Handloom and Handicraft Sector, with Focus on Aspirational Districts

  • Study on supply side constraints in the food processing sector in specific fruits and vegetable segments – The study will develop policy recommendations to address the substantial points of inefficiencies in the value chain.

Who's Who
Name Designation Email ID
Sh. Ishtiyaque Ahmed Senior Adviser ahmed[dot]i[at]nic[dot]in
Ms. Reshma Rajeevan Assistant Director reshma[dot]rajeevan[at]gov[dot]in
Ms. Sunita Goel Economic Officer sunita[dot]goel[at]nic[dot]in