Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals lay out a uniquely ambitious and comprehensive agenda for global development by 2030. NITI Aayog is the nodal institution for achieving SDGs in the country, leading the 2030 Agenda with the spirit of cooperative and competitive federalism.

It monitors the national and sub-national levels progress through various mechanisms like the SDG India Index and Dashboard, Multidimensional Poverty Index: Progress review 2023, North Eastern Region Index and Dashboard and the likes. Localization of the SDGs is the key to reach furthest behind first, and therefore a crucial mandate of the vertical. These efforts have strengthened the statistical systems and developed a monitoring framework covering all the 17 Goals and more than 100 indicators across the country. With this refined and comprehensive edition, we aim to cement India’s place as a trailblazer in SDG achievement.


Report Name


SDG INDIA INDEX 2023-24 documents
Multidimensional Poverty in India since 2005-06 documents
Who’s Who
Name Designation Email ID
Dr. Yogesh Suri Senior Adviser yogeSh[dot]suri[at]gov[dot]in
Ms. Farha Anis Associate farha[dot]anis13[at]gov[dot]in
Ms. Ishita Agarwal Young Professional ishita[dot]a[at]govcontractor[dot]in
Ms Gayatri Vidhate Young Professional gayatri[dot]vidhate[at]niti[dot]gov[dot]in