North East Forum

The NE States Division envisages holistic development of the North Eastern Region engaging State Governments of North Eastern Region, Central Ministries, International Agencies and stakeholders from different fields for creating livelihood and opportunities in the region. In order to identify the various constraints on the way for accelerated but sustainable economic growth in the North East Region and to formulate suitable strategies for addressing constraints various Forums/Joint Working Group/Consultative groups were created which made recommendations and necessary follow ups being done by the NE States Division. In order to promote private investment in North East Region, under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Vice-chairman, NITI, the Division held meetings with the Chief Secretaries of 08 North Eastern States along with line ministries to rationalize and reduces compliances burdens which require omission/deletion/amendments of several rules, fillings and bare acts in the States. The Division is engaged in analyzing and providing comments on the schemes and proposals of various Ministries/Departments of the Government of India. Such as examination of various SFC/EFC project proposals, examination of externally aided projects of 08 NE States and furnishing comments of proposals received under Prime Minister Development Initiatives for North Eastern Region Schemes(PM-DeviNE Scheme) and other schemes of Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region. The Division also carried out physical surveys and formulation of policy research papers in collaboration with UNDP other stakeholders and actively engaged with the Ministry of DoNER.

Who's Who
Name Designation Email Id
Sh. Surender Mehra Adviser surenmehra[at]nic[dot]in
Sh. Hemant Kumar Meena Deputy Secretary wcd-niti[at]gov[dot]in
Md. Faisal Abdullah Research Officer faisal[dot]abdullah[at]gov[dot]in