Information Under Section 4(i)(b)
Title Subject

The particulars of its organization, functions and duties

Manual-1 Reallocation of States Union Territories (UTs) among Vertical Heads (as on 06.05.2024)

Manual-1 Grant and CAG report in aid and DDO audit of NITI Aayog (as on 08.03.2024)

Manual-1 Organization Chart of NITI Aayog (as on 06.05.2024)

Manual-1 RTI suomoto disclosure General 1 to 4, Welfare Section (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-1 Function and duties of WATER & LAND RESOURCES Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-1 Reallocation of States/Unions Territories among vertical heads (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-1 Implementation of suo moto disclosure under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005 Education Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-1 Iteminformation disclosed so that public has minimum resort to use of RTI Act Education Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-1 Self-appraisal by Public Authorities on the CIC's Portal of Governance & Research Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-1 Organization Chart of Atal Innovation Mission (as on 30.03.2024)

Manual-1 Mandate of PFPA (as on 18.03.2024)

Manual-1 Self Appraisal Form (as on 18.03.2024)

Manual-1 PPP Vertical (30.03.2024)

Industry & MSME Vertical Information for RTI related information on NITI portal (as on 20.03.2024)

Admin-II Manual-1 (as on 20.03.2024)

Manual-1 Self Appraisal Report for Year 2023-2024 of Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP) and Aspirational Blocks Programme(ABP) (as on 23.02.2024)

Name and Address of the Organization(as on 26-06-2023)

Organizational Chart of NITI Aayog (as on 08-06-2023)

Manual 1 Self-appraisal by Public Authorities on the CIC's Portal of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 21-07-2023)

Manual 1 Scope of work of Administration lV Section (as on 30-06-2023)

Manual 1 Information of office memorandum of Hindi section as on (as on 06-07-2023)

Manual 1 Covering Letter of Scope of work of Administration lV Section (as on 07-07-2023

Information for RTI related information on NITI portal of Industry Vertical (as on 06-2023

Manual 1 Duties & Responsibilities of Rural Development Vertical(as on 04-07-2023)

Manual 1 Self-appraisal by Public Authorities on the CIC's Portal- Information related to Rural Development Vertical(as on 04-07-2023)

Manual 1 Self Appraisal Report for Year 2022-2023 of Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP)(as on 06-2023)

Manual 1 Particulars of its organization, function and duties PPP Vertical (as on 23-06-2023)

Manual 1 Organization Chart of Atal Innovation Mission(as on 23-06-2023)

Manual 1 Self Appraisal Annexure II State Coordination (as on 10-05-2023)

Manual 1 Self Appraisal Annexure III (Admin-II) as on 13-06-2023

Manual 1 Self Appraisal Annexure IV (Admin-II) as on 13-06-2023

Manual 1 Submission of CIC Self-appraisal Form for conducting transparency audit.(as on 07-06-2023)

Manual 1 NRE Vertical (as on 31-03-2023)

Manual 1 Function and Duties- Energy Vertical as on 31-03-2023

Manual - 1 Functions and Duties of verticals of NITI Aayog(Revised as on 31.07.2020)

Manual - 1 Functions and Duties of admin.4 (as on 31.03.2021)

Manual - 1 Energy Vertical(Duties & Functions) as on(05-08-2022)

Annexure - 1 Organization Chart of NITI Ayog (as on 31-3-2022)

Annexure - 2 Work allocation of admin.2

Energy Vertical Input on Submission of CIC Self Appraisal form for Conducting Transparancy Audit (as on 05-08-2022)

UO letter

Duties-and Responsibilities of DM&A consolidated (as on 31-03-2022)

Manual 1 DM&A (as on 31-03-2022)

Manual 1- Duties and Responsibilities of various vertical of NITI Ayog as on (31-3-2022)

Draft reply Under Section 4(i) b RTI Act-2005 PAMD Vertical(as on 10-08-2022)

RTI - ADP & MHA as on(10.08.2022)

The particulars of its organisation, functions and duties DMEO (as on 31-3-2022)

Agriculture Vertical (as on 12-8-2022)


The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability;

Manual-2 The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability Communication Cell (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-2 The procedure followed in the decision-making process, including channels of supervision and accountability of WATER & LAND RESOURCES Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-2 The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability of Infrastructure Connectivity & E- Mobility vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-2 Final Decision making Authority Education Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-2 Channel of supervision and accountability Education Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-2 The Procedure Followed in the Decision Making Process, Including Channels of Supervision and Accountability Governance & Research Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-2 Atal Innovation Mission (30.03.2024)

Manual-2 Vertical: Agriculture (as on 30.03.2024)

Manual-2 RTI (as on 30.03.2024)

Manual-2 PPP Vertical (as on 30.03.2024)

Manual-2 Admin-II (as on 20.03.2024)

Manual 2 Procedure followed in decision making process including channels of supervision and accountability of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 21-07-2023)

Manual - 2 Information under section 4(i)(b) RTI Act, 2005 regarding Parliament Section (as on 05-07-2023)

Manual - 2 Power and duties of its officers and employees of Education Vertical (as on 04-07-2023)

Manual - 2 Procedures followed in decision making process including channels of supervision and accountability PPP Vertical (as on 23-06-2023)

Manual - 2 Procedures followed in decision making process including channels of supervision and accountability Infrastructure Connectivity (Transport) Vertical (as on 23-06-2023)

Manual - 2 Atal Innovation Mission (as on 23-06-2023)

Manual - 2 The procedure followed in the decision- making process, including channels of supervision and accountability of Vertical Agriculture (as on 31-03-2023)

Manual - 2 NRE Vertical (as on 31-03-2023)

Manual - 2 Channels of Supervision (as on 31-03-2023)

Manual - 2 Various Verticals of NITI Aayog (Revised as on 31.07.2020)

Manual - 2 Procedure followed in NITI Aayog (as on 31-3-2021)

Manual - 2 Energy Vertical as on (05-08-2022)

Revised draft reply for PAMD RTI Information Under Section 4 (I) (B) Self appraisal report -2021-22 Final Submission -on dated 08-08-2022

The Procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability DMEO (as on 31-3-2022)

Manual-2 PPP Vertical (as on 10-08-2022)

Manual-2 VAC Vertical (as on 15-08-2022)


The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions;

Manual-3 The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions WATER & LAND RESOURCES Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-3 TThe rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functionsof Infrastructure Connectivity & E- Mobility vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-3 The Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and Records, Held by it or Under its Control or Used by its Employees for Discharging its Functions of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-3 PPP Vertical (as on 30.03.2024)

Admin-II Manual-3 (as on 20.03.2024)

Manual - 3 The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 21-07-2023)

Manual - 3 Final Decision making Authority of Education Vertical as on (04.07.2023)

Manual - 3 Rules, Regulation, instruction manual and records for discharging function PPP Vertical as on (23.06.2023)

Manual - 3 Rules, Regulation, instruction manual and records for discharging function Infrastructure Connectivity (Transport) Vertical as on (23.06.2023)

Manual - 3 Rules & Regulation of NITI Aayog(Revised as on 31.07.2020)

Manual - 3 Rules & Regulation of NITI Aayog Revised as on 31.07.2021)

The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions DMEO Vertical (as on 31-3-2022)

Manual 3 (PPP) (as on 10-3-2022)

Manual 3- VAC Vertical(as on 15-8-2022)


Norms set for the discharge of functions

Manual-4 Norms set for the discharge of functions WATER & LAND RESOURCES (WLR) Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-4 Norms set for discharge of function of Infrastructure Connectivity & E- Mobility vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-4 Submission of self-appraisal by Public Authorities on the CIC's portal for conducting transparency audit-reg of Vigilance Section (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-4 Norms Set for the Discharge of Functions of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-4 PPP Vertical (as on 30.03.2024)

Admin-II Manual-4 (as on 20.03.2024)

Manual-4 Norms for discharge of functions of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 21-07-2023)

Manual-4 Channel of supervisions and accountability of Education Vertical as on (04.07.2023)

Manual - 4 Submission of self-appraisal by public Authorities of disciplinary action pending for minor penalty or major penalty proceedings of Vigilance Section as on (23.06.2023)

Manual - 4 Norms set for discharge of function of PPP Vertical as on (23.06.2023)

Manual - 4 Norms set for discharge of function Infrastructure Connectivity (Transport) Vertical as on (23.06.2023)

Manual - 4 Various Vertical of NITI Aayog (Revised as on 31.07.2020)

Manual - 4 OM&C (as on 31-3-2021)

Manual - 4 Norms set for the discharging of functions DMEO

Manual-4-(PPP) (as on 10-3-2022)

Manual-4-VAC Vertical (as on 15-8-2022)


Power and Duties of its Officers & Employees

Manual-5 Power & Duties of its officers WATER & LAND RESOURCES Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-5 Powers and duties of its officers and employees of Infrastructure Connectivity & E- Mobility Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-5 Power and duties of its officers and employees of Education Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-5 Duties and Responsibilities of Education Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-5 Power and Duties of its Officers and Employees of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-5 Vertical: Agriculture (as on 30.03.2024)

Manual-5 PPP Vertical (as on 30.03.2024)

Manual-5 Admin-II (as on 20.03.2024)

Manual- 5 Powers and duties of its Officers and employees of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 21-07-2023)

Manual- 5 Powers and duties of its Officers and employees of Skill Development & Employment Vertical as on (07.07.2023)

Manual- 5 Incumbency of Regular Staff dealt in Admin IV Section as on (30.06.2023)

Manual - 5 Time limit for achieving the Targets of Education Vertical as on (04.07.2023)

Manual - 5 Powers and duties of its Officers and employees of PPP Vertical as on (23.06.2023)

Manual - 5 Power and duties of its officers and employees of Infrastructure Connectivity (Transport) Vertical as on (23.06.2023)

Manual - 5 Powers and duties of its Officers and employees of Vertical Agriculture (as on 31-03-2023)

Manual - 5 NRE Vertical (as on 31-03-2023)

Manual - 5 Power Duties of its officers of Energy Vertical(as on 31-03-2023)

Manual - 5 Powers and duties of its officers and employees Admin II (as on 27-03-2017)

Manual - 5 Functions and Duties of Various Vertical in NITI Aayog (Revised as on 31.07.2020)

Manual - 5 Functions and Duties of Various Vertical in NITI Ayog (Revised as on 31.07.2021)

Manual - 5 Energy Vertical as on (05-08-2022)

Manual 5 DM&A Vertical (as on 31-3-2022)

Powers and duties of its officers and employees DMEO Vertical (as on 31-3-2022)

Manual-5 PPP Vertical as on (10-8-2022)

Manual-5 SD&E Vertivcal (12-8-2022)


Rules, regulations, instruction, manuals and records for discharging functions

Manual-6 Rules, regulations, instruction, manuals and records for discharging functions WATER & LAND RESOURCES Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-6 Rules, Regulations, instruction, manuals and records for discharging function Infrastructure Connectivity & E- Mobility Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-6 Rules, Regulations, instruction, manuals and records for discharging functions Education Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-6 Rules, Regulations, Instruction, Manuals and Records for Discharging Functions of Governance & Research Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-6 PPP Vertical (as on 30.03.2024)

Manual-6 Admin-II (as on 20.03.2024)

Manual - 6 Rules, Regulations, instruction, manuals and records for discharge of function of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 21-07-2023)

Manual - 6 Item/information disclosed so that public has minimum resort to use of RTI Act of Education Vertical as on (04.07.2023)

Manual - 6 Rules, Regulations, instruction, manuals and records for discharging function of PPP Vertical as on (23.06.2023)

Manual - 6 Rules, Regulations, instruction, manuals and records for discharging function Infrastructure Connectivity (Transport) Vertical as on (23.06.2023)

Manual - 6 Various Vertical of NITI Ayog (as on 31-8-2020) 

Rules, Regulations, instruction, manuals and records for discharging functions DMEO Vertical )as on 31-3-2022) 

Manual-6 PPP Vertical (as on 10-8-2022) 

Manual-6 VAC Vertical (as on 12-8-2022) 


A Statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control

Manual-7 A Statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control WATER & LAND RESOURCES Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-7 A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control Infrastructure Connectivity & E- Mobility Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-7 Time limit for achieving the Targets Education Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-7 Custodian of documents/categories Education Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-7 A Statement of the Categories of Documents That are Held by it or Under its Control of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-7 PPP Vertical (as on 30.03.2024)

Manual-7 Admin-II (as on 20.03.2024)

Manual 7 Documents related to Governance & Research Vertical(as on 21-07-2023)

Manual 7 Documents related to Governance & Research Vertical(as on 21-07-2023)

Manual 7 Documents related to appraisal (PPP) under PPPAC & VGF guidelines as on (23.06.2023)

Manual 7 Related to Railways, Roads & Highways, Ports & Shipping, Civil Aviation and Electric Vehicles. Infrastructure Connectivity (Transport) Vertical as on (23.06.2023)

Manual 7 NRE Vertical (as on 31-03-2023)

Manual - 7 Document that hold (as on 31-03-2023)

Manual - 7 Information of various Verticals of NITI Aayog Old Matters

Manual - 7 Various Vertical of NITI Ayog (Revised as on 31.07.2020)

Manual - 7 Various Vertical of NITI Ayog (Revised as on 31.07.2021)

Manual - 7 Energy Vertical (as on 05-08-2022)

Manual - 7 Statement of Categories of Admin.4 Vertical (as on 31-03-2022)

A Statement of the Categories of documents that are held by it or under its control DMEO Vertical (as on 31-3-2022)

Manual-7 PPP Vertical (as on 10-8-2022)

Manual-7 FR & SP Coord. Vertical (as on 12-8-2022)


The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof;

Manual-8 The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation there of WATER & LAND RESOURCES Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-8 Particulars for any arrangements for consultation with or representation by the members of the Public in relation to the formulation of policy or implementation there of Infrastructure Connectivity & E- Mobility Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-8 The Particulars of Any Arrangement That Exists For Consultation with, or Representation by, the Members of the Public in Relation to the Formulation of its Policy or Implementation Thereof Governance & Research Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-8 PPP Vertical (as on 30.03.2024)

Admin-II Manual-8 (as on 20.03.2024)

Manual - 8 Particulars for any arrangements for consultation of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 21-07-2023)

Manual - 8 Transfer Policy Admin IA as on (10.07.2023)

Manual - 8 Transfer Policy Admin IV as on (10.07.2023)

Manual - 8 Particulars for any arrangements for consultation of PPP Vertical as on (23.06.2023)

Manual - 8 Selected Sr. Consultants & Consultants and also with the Stake holders Infrastructure Connectivity (Transport) Vertical as on (23.06.2023)

Manual - 8 The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof;

Manual - 8 Various Vertical of NITI Aayog (as on 31-8-2020)

The Particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with pr representation by the member of the public in relation to the public in relation DMEO Vertical (as on 31-3-2022)

Manual-8 PPP Vetical (as on 10-8-2022)

Manual-8 VAC Vetical (as on 12-8-2022)


A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public.

Manual-9 Statement of Board Council, Committee WATER & LAND RESOURCES Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-9 Statement of Board Council, Committee of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-9 Admin-II (as on 20.03.2024)

Manual 9 Statement of Board Council, Committee of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 21-07-2023)

Manual 9 NRE Vertical (as on 31.03.2021)

Manual-9 Statement of Board , council and Committee

A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public Various Vertical of NITI Aayog

Manual - 9 Various Vertical of NITI Aayog.(Revised as on 31.07.2020)

Manual - 9 Various Vertical of NITI Aayog (as on 31.03.2021)

Manual - 9 Energy Vertical (as on 05-08-2022)

Manual-9 DM&A (as on 31-3-2022)


A directory of its officers and employees

Manual-10 A directory of its officers and employees WATER & LAND RESOURCES Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-10 A directory of its officers and employees of Governance & Research Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-10 NITI TELEPHONE DIRECTORY (as on 30.03.2024)

Manual-10 Vertical: Agriculture (as on 30.03.2024)

Manual-10 Admin-II (as on 20.03.2024)

Manual-10 Directory of Officers & Employees of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 21-07-2023)

Manual - 10 Telephone directory of Officers & Employees of NITI Aayog as on (16-06-2023)

Manual-10 Directory of Officers and Employees (AIM)as on (31-05-2023)

Manual - 10 A directory of its officers and employees (Agriculture Vertical) as on (31-03-2023)

Manual - 10 Telephone Directory of NITI Ayog(Revised as on 31.07.2020)

Manual - 10 Telephone Directory of NITI Ayog(Revised as on 31.07.2021)

Telephone directory of NITI Aayog as on (31-03-2022)

A directory of its officers and employees DMEO (as on 31-3-2022)

Manual 10 VAC Vertical (as on 12-8-2022)


The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations;

Manual-11 Annexure I, II & III (as on 31.05.2023)

Manual-11 The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations WATER & LAND RESOURCES Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-11 Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office(DMEO) (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-11 Admin-II (as on 20.03.2024)

Manual - 11 Monthly Remuneration accounts (as on 31.05.2023)

Manual - 11 Monthly Remuneration accounts (as on 31.03.2023)

Manual-11 Suo moto disclosure of information under section 4[1][b] of RTI Act-Reg (as on 2023-2024)

Manual - 11 Monthly Remuneration accounts(as on 31-5-2023)

Manual - 11 Monthly Remuneration accounts (as on 16.11.2022)

Manual - 11 Monthly Remuneration accounts(Revised as on 31.07.2020)

Manual - 11 Monthly Remuneration of Accounts Vertical (as on 31-3-2021)

Manual -11 Monthly Remuneration of Accounts Vertical(Revised as 31.03.2022)

Manual 11 DMEO Vertical (as on 31-3-2022)


The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made.

Manual-12 The Budget Allocation of funds for the Vote on Account period for the financial year 2024-2025 (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-12 The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made WATER & LAND RESOURCES Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-12 Budget allocated to each agency including all plants, proposed expenditure and reports on disbursements made Governance & Research Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-12 DMEO (as on 30.03.2024)

Manual-12 Admin-II (as on 20.03.2024)

Manual - 12 Budget Allocated of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 21-07-2023)

Manual - 12 Budget Allocated to Ministry of Planning Year DMEO 2023-24

Manual - 12 Expenditure Statement of the Financial Year DMEO 2022-23

The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made; DMEO 2022-23

Manual - 12 Budget Allocated of IFD Vertical(Revised as on 31.07.2020)

Manual - 12 Budget Allocated of IFD Vertical (as on 31-3-2022)

Manual - 12 DMEO Vertical (as on 31-3-2022)


The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes.

Manual-13 The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes WATER & LAND RESOURCES Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-13 Subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-13 Admin-II (as on 20.03.2024)

Manual - 13 Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits of authorizations granted by the public authority of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 21-07-2023)

Manual - 13 Budget amount allocated to Atal Innovation Missions (AIM) for its programmes as on (23.06.2023)

Manual - 13 The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes;

Manual - 13 Information Regarding Atal Innovation Missions (AIM) (as on 31-8-2020)


Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by it;

Manual-14 Annual Report (2023-24) (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-14 Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by it WATER & LAND RESOURCES Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-14 Particulars of Recipients of Concessions, Permits or Authorizations Granted by it. Governance & Research Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-14 Admin-II (as on 20.03.2024)

Manual - 14 Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits of authorizations granted by the public authority of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 21-07-2023)

Manual - 14 Annual Reports of NITI Aayog (as on 31-8-2020)


Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by it;

Manual-15 Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by it WATER & LAND RESOURCES Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-15 Particulars of Recipients of Concessions, Permits or Authorizations Granted by it Governance & Research Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Admin-II Manual-15 (as on 20.03.2024)

Manual - 15 Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits of authorizations granted by the public authority of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 21-07-2023)

Manual - 15 Details in respect of the information Various Vertical of NITI Aayog, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form;

Manual - 15 Information available Electronic Form of Various Vertical NITI Aayog(as on 31.08.2020)

Manual - 15 Information Available held by Reduced in an Electronic Form of Various Vertical of NITI Aayog as on (31-3-2021)

Details in respect of the information available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form DMEO Vertical (as on 31-3-2022)


The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use.

Manual-16 The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use WATER & LAND RESOURCES Vertical(as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-16 Particulars of facilities available to citizen for obtaining information Infrastructure Connectivity & E- Mobility Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-16 The Particulars of Facilities Available to Citizens for Obtaining Information, Including the Working Hours of a Library or Reading Room, if Maintained for Public Use. Governance & Research Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-16 Vertical: Agriculture (as on 30.03.2024)

Manual-16 PPP Vertical (as on 30.03.2024)

Manual-16 Admin-II (as on 20.03.2024)

Manual - 16 Particulars of facilities available to citizen for obtaining information of Governance & Research Vertical (as on 21-07-2023)

Manual - 16 Particulars of facilities available to citizen for obtaining information of PPP Vertical as on (23.06.2023)

Manual - 16 Particulars of facilities available to citizen for obtaining information Infrastructure Connectivity (Transport) Vertical as on (23.06.2023)

Manual - 16 The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use of of Vertical Agriculture(as on 31-3-2023)

Manual - 16 The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use;

Manual - 16 Information available in Electronic Form of Various Vertical of NITI Aayog (as on 31-8-2020)

The Particular of facilities available to citizen for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or a reading room, if maintained for public use DMEO Vertical (as on 31-3-2022)

Manual-16 PPP Vertical (as on 10-8-2022)

Manual-16 VAC Vertical (as on 12-8-2022)


List of Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs) and First Appellate Authorities (FAAs)

Manual-17 Interaction Training of CPIOs and FAAs of NITI Aayog (as on 15.03.2024)

Manual-17 Self appraisal report for Year (2022-23) submitted to CIC final audit report (2022-23) (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-17 Final list of CPIOs and FAA in English Language (as on 08.04.2024)

Manual-17 Final list of CPIOs and FAA in HINDI Language (as on 08.04.2024)

Manual-17 PPT Training of CPIO and FAA NITI Aayog (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-17 Order of Nodal Officer (RTI) and record officer, nITI Aayog and Auditor Officer (NIRLRD) (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-17 List of Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs) and First Appellate Authorities (FAAs) WATER & LAND RESOURCES Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-17 Name, designation and other particulars of Public Information Officers (PIO), Assistant Public Information Officer (APIO) and Appellate Authority of Infrastructure Connectivity & E- Mobility vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-17 RTI Cell appeal application received and disposed for the year (2023-24) (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-17 List of Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs) & First Appellate Authorities (FAAs) Governance & Research Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-17 Vertical: Agriculture (as on 30.03.2024)

Manual-17 PPP Vertical (as on 30.03.2024)

Manual - 17 Order of CPIO and FAA admin-2 (as on 23-01-2024)

Manual - 17 Final List of Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs) and First Appellate Authorities (FAAs)(as on 16-01-2024)

Manual - 17 Final List of Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs) and First Appellate Authorities (FAAs)(as on 28-12-2023)

Manual - 17 List of Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs) and First Appellate Authorities (FAAs) of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 21-07-2023)

Manual - 17 List of Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs) and First Appellate Authorities (FAAs) from 2015 to 2019

Manual - 17 Order of Nodal Officer and Auditor Officer (NIELRD) (2022-23)

Manual - 17 List of Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs) and First Appellate Authorities (FAAs) as on (27.06.2023)

Manual - 17 Name , designation and other particulars of public information officers (PIO) of PPP Vertical as on (23.06.2023)

Manual - 17 Name , designation and other particulars of public information officers (PIO) Infrastructure Connectivity Vertical (Transport) as on (23.06.2023)

Manual - 17 List of Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs) and First Appellate Authorities (FAAs)of of Vertical Agriculture (as on 31-03-2023)

Manual - 17 List of Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs) & First Appellate Authority(FAAs) as on 27.06.2023

Manual - 17 Submission of Self-appraisal by Public authorities on the CIC's portal for conducting transparency audit

Manual - 17 List of CPIOs & FAA (as on 10-6-2022) (RTI Cell)

Manual - 17 Complete Details of RTI Application and appeals and List of CPIOs & FAA (Revised as on 31.07.2020)

Manual 17 list of CPIOs & FAA (as on 31-3-2021) RTI Cell

Details of RTI and Appeal Application and List of Central Public Information Officers(CPIOs) & First Appellate Authotities(FAAs) as on (10-08-2022)

Manual 17 VAC Vertical as on (12-08-2022)


Details of Official Tours (foreign/domestic) by Adviser and above rank officer including Members and Vice Chairman

Manual-18 Details of foreign visits undertaken by the Officers including Vice Chairman and Members of NITI Aayog (as on 31.03.2024)

Manual-18 Official tour -Adviser and above of Governance & Research Vertical (as on 31.03.2024)

Admin-II Manual-18 (as on 20.03.2024)

Manual - 18 Official Tour of Governance & Research Vertical(as on 21-07-2023)

Manual - 18 Manual - 18 Official Tour (DMEO) during 2022-23 Annexure-III as on (23.06.2023

Manual - 18 Details of Official Foreign Tours by the officers of Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) as on (23.06.2023)

Manual - 18 RTI TA (as on 31.05.2023)

Manual - 18 Details of Official Tours (foreign/domestic) by Adviser and above rank officer including Members and Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog (as on 31-3-2022

Manual - 18 official tours of Officers of NITI Aayog (Revised as on 31.08.2020)

Manual - 18 official tours of Officers of NITI Ayog (as on 31.03.2021)

Manual 18 official tours of DM&A Vertical (as on 31-3-2022)

Manual 18 official tours of DMEO (as on 03-08-2022)

Manual 18 VAC Vertical (as on 12-08-2022)


Such other information as may be prescribed; and thereafter update these publications every year;
i) Sub Group of Chief Ministers
ii) NITI Aayog Library

Manual-19 Vertical: Agriculture (as on 30.03.2024)

Admin-II Manual-19 (as on 20.03.2024)

Manual-19 Such other information as may be prescribed, and thereafter update these publications every year of Vertical Agriculture(as on 31-03-2023)