Reforms and Action Points to strengthen Science, Technology and Innovation Ecosystem in India

Reforms and Action Points to strengthen Science, Technology and Innovation Ecosystem in India

India of the 21st century is an emerging country with an aspiration of faster, sustainable and inclusive growth. As Science and Technology (S&T) emerges globally as one of the major drivers of socio-economic development, it has to play a major role in achieving the desired goals.

The country offers a unique opportunity in the form of a large demographic dividend and a huge talent pool for national development through its excellence, relevance and performance. In the fast-growing Indian economy, there is an increasing demand for scientific inputs for problems in a variety of socio-economic, industrial and strategic sectors. It is high time that India, as a fast-growing nation, converts those challenges into opportunities.

To achieve this, several S&T interventions are required. Some of the emerging challenges being faced by the S&T sector include low investment in R&D; inadequate linkages amongst the academia, the researchers and the industry; weak innovation ecosystem to convert ideas into useful acceptable products and processes; poor coupling between technology and trade; low base of full-time equivalent scientists per million populations, etc.

The following reforms are needed to strengthen our science, technology and innovation ecosystem.

Reforms in S&T for Societal Development

Science & Technology/Research & Development must be geared up for solving national problems by providing clean and potable water, enhancing food productivity and nutritional values, providing affordable healthcare solutions, energy security, tackling climate change and National security through S&T interventions. Such measures are necessary, particularly because the mere development of technologies and technology solutions are not adequate to solve major national problems.

The delivery of R&D outputs and linkages with the user community are essential. End-to-End solutions, based on technologies, call for strong internal linkages amongst the Indian science sector as well as with relevant socio-economic ministries of both the central and the state governments.


The authors are Dr Ashok A. Sonkusare, Dy. Adviser (S&T), NITI Aayog, Neeraj Sinha, Senior Adviser (S&T), NITI Aayog and Seepana Mohit Rao, Young Professional, NITI Aayog. Views expressed are personal.

Published in Science Reporter - August 2021

Dr Ashok A. Sonkusare, Neeraj Sinha and Seepana Mohit Rao