S. No | Title | Download |
1 |
Filling up of one vacant post of Protocol Officer in NITI Aayog on deputation (including short-term contract) basis - Extension of last date of receiving applications - regarding. Last date of receiving the applications is 06.05.2025 |
2 |
Filling up of one post of Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade) on deputation/ absorption/ re-employment basis in NITI Aayog - regarding. Last date of receiving the applications is 04.03.2025 |
3 |
Filling up of one vacant post of Assistant Halwai-cum-Cook in Departmental Canteen, NITI Aayog on deputation basis - regarding. Last date of receiving the applications is 26.02.2025 |
4 |
Recruitment for the 01 post of Director General, National Institute of Labour & Economics Research and Development (DG, NILERD), NITI Aayog. |
5 |
Engagement of retired Sr. Accounts Officers as Consultant on contract basis in NITI Aayog - regarding. |
6 |
Filling up of one post of Protocol Officer in NITI Aayog on deputation (including short-term contract) basis - regarding. Last date of receiving the applications is 12.02.2025 |
7 |
Withdrawal of vacancy for one post of Senior Adviser/Adviser (Health Policy) |
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Advertisement for the 2 posts of Upper Division Clerk (UDC) on deputation basis in DMEO Last date for receiving the application is 31.10.2024 |
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Recruitment for the 01 post of Mission Director for Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), NITI Aayog. |
10 |
Filling up of the post of Head (Administration) in the Pay Level 12 of the Pay Matrix of Rs.78,800– 2,09,200/- on Deputation/Foreign Service in Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), NITI Aayog |
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Vacancy advertisement for the post of Joint Director for Finance (National Institute of Labour Economics Research and Development) |
12 |
Vacancy Circular for 01 post of Sr. Adviser/Adviser in NITI Aayog on deputation/promotion basis in the area of Agriculture Policy Candidates who want to apply on Deputation (ISTC) basis, need to apply through proper channel after filling the proforma Appendix (Attached with the vacancy circular) |
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Vacancy circular for application for the 01 post of Sr. Adviser/Adviser in NITI Aayog on deputation/promotion basis in the area of Health Policy Candidates who want to apply on Deputation (ISTC) basis, need to apply through proper channel after filling the proforma Appendix (Attached with the vacancy circular) |
14 |
Vacancy circular for application for the 01 post of Sr. Adviser/Adviser in NITI Aayog on deputation/promotion basis in the area of Science & Technology Candidates who want to apply on Deputation (ISTC) basis, need to apply through proper channel after filling the proforma Appendix The last date of receiving the applications for 01 post of Sr. Adviser/Adviser in NITI Aayog on deputation/promotion basis in the area of Science & Technology is 30.01.2024 |
15 |
Link for the Resource Pool Portal for registering profiles for the position of Sr. Consultant/Consultant Gr-II/Consultant Gr-I/YP in NITI Aayog |
16 |
Revised list of shortlisted candidates for the positions for positions of Sr. Consultant/Consultant/YP (SSM) and Sr. Consultant (Public Policy) in NITI Aayog after examining the representations |
17 |
Revised list of shortlisted candidates for the positions of Consultant Grade-II (ADP) in NITI Aayog after examining the representations |