Combating Malnutrition Requires Granular Approach

Malnutrition rates have been declining in India, but the absolute numbers of stunted (short for age) (46.6 million), wasted (low weight for height) (25.5 million), and anaemic children (73 million under-3 children) are still a concern. With a prodigious challenge of triple burden of malnutrition -- under-nutrition, over-nutrition and micro-nutrient malnutrition -- facing India and due to the cultural and geographical variance across states, combating malnutrition requires a granular approach.

Is IBC 2016 Effective?

Four years down the line, how is the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), 2016, working? Its performance ought to be seen in totality--in terms of what happens under the IBC, on account of it and within its shadow.

Consumer in Post-Corona India

>While lockdowns were an ideal measure to limit the transmission of Covid-19, they had unintended con-sequences, especially in a developing country like India, where majority of the population lives hand to mouth.

Powering Aatmanirbhar Bharat through Innovation and Entrepreneurship

An ongoing pandemic of unprecedented proportions, Covid-19 has impacted lives and livelihoods across the globe. Even as the best minds in the world race towards finding preventive and curative solutions to combat and curb the spread of the novel coronavirus, the current crisis has been an eye-opener to several opportunities that have presented themselves during this time.

Post-Covid Economic Growth Will Come Through India’s Ports

While Covid-19 has put the world in a major humanitarian crisis, it also has ravaged the foundations of our globalised economy. Possibly every country, big or small, has been impacted by this virus. This pandemic has led to deep supply and demand shocks, thereby disrupting international trade, and imposing severe economic pain. Economists at World Trade Organization project world merchandise trade volumes to fall by 13% to 32% (the fall was 12% at the peak of 2008 crisis) depending on how the crisis evolves.

Wearing Masks for Protecting Lives, Jobs and Economy from Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has emerged as a serious threat to our health, economy and social life, which gets minimized substantially by simply wearing a mask at workplaces and in public spaces. This small piece of clothing has the ability to potentially save our lives, jobs and the economy.

In offices, which are enclosed spaces, the practice of wearing masks becomes particularly important. It boosts the confidence of employees and assures them that their workplace is safe, resulting in higher work productivity.

The Approach Economies Must Take to Protect Themselves from Covid-19

Five months into 2020 and thanks to Covid-19 the India economy is in a catastrophic tailspin. The novel coronavirus can cause severe respiratory problems and in more complicated cases, prove to be fatal; unfortunately, the disease has affected economies similarly. Most sectors have been adversely affected by the pandemic and are in distressed situations, unsure of their survival, at least in the short term. While sectors like travel and tourism, and hospitality have taken a major hit, others such as automobiles, oil and gas, industrial tools, etc., are barely scraping through.

Covid-19: An Awakening!

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought to heel the most powerful nations in the world and ground life to a standstill. India too is currently in Lockdown 4.0 and struggling to combat the spread of the virus. However, sooner or later, a vaccine or cure will be found, and life as we know it will go back to what it was, or should it? Surely, Covid-19 is not the last pandemic in human history. Every hour there is a new development in technology, similar upgrades are also required for our mental, physical, and ethical well-being. Are we progressing or are we regressing?

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