Nourishing the undernourished: One Toy at a Time

​​ While the complete success of the initiative will be reflected through the reduced rate of malnutrition in the district, it is showing early signs of progress. The initiative not only reduced the dropout rate of the children who left the centre before the 14-day period, but also ensured 100% occupancy of the beds. There has also been an uptick in the follow-up treatment visits.

Rural Women: Key to New India’s Agrarian Revolution

Rural women are torchbearers for social, economic and environment transformation for the ‘New India’. In India, Agriculture employs about 80 percent of rural women. Empowering and mainstreaming rural women workforce in agriculture can bring paradigm shift towards economic growth. It will enhance food and nutrition security and alleviate poverty and hunger. It’s a winwin strategy for achieving Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
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