Integrated Finance Division
Integrated Finance Division

Integrated Finance aims to ensure smooth and expeditious flow of financial advice work. Integrated Financial Adviser (IFA) is in-charge of the Budget and Accounts Sections in addition to the Internal Finance Section.

Core Functions

The advice of Integrated Financial Adviser is available to the administrative Secretary i.e. CEO, NITI Aayog for taking a decision. The IFA is more closely associated with the formulation of Schemes and the Budget of NITI Aayog from the initial stages. The introduction of the Integrated Finance Scheme is to ensure smooth and expeditious flow of financial advice work. Integrated Finance Division is overall in-charge of Budget and Accounts Sections in addition to the Internal Finance Section. Following are the duties of the Integrated Finance Division:

  1. To ensure that the schedule for preparation of Budget is adhered to and the Budget is drawn up according to the instructions issued by the Ministry of Finance from time to time.
  2. To scrutinize the budget proposals thoroughly, before sending them to Ministry of Finance;
  3. To see that complete departmental accounts are maintained in accordance with the requirements under the General Financial Rules. Also to ensure that the Department not only maintain its account of expenditure against the Grants or Appropriations, directly controlled by it, but also obtains figures of the expenditure incurred by the subordinate offices so that it has a complete month to month picture of the entire expenditure falling within its jurisdiction;
  4. To watch and review the progress of expenditure against sanctioned grants through maintenance of necessary Control Registers and to issue timely warnings to Controlling authorities where the progress of expenditure is not even;
  5. To ensure the proper maintenance of the Register of Liabilities and Commitments as required under the G.F.Rs. to facilitate realistic preparation of Budget Estimates, watching of book debits and timely surrender of anticipated savings;
  6. To screen the proposals of supplementary demands for grants;
  7. To formulate the foreign exchange budget for the Department and to process individual cases for release of foreign exchange in accordance with the instructions issued by Department of Economic Affairs from time to time;
  8. To advise the Administrative Department on all matters falling within the field of delegated powers. This includes all powers other than those devolving on a Department in its capacity as Head of Office. It has to be ensured that the sanction issued by Administrative Department in exercise of delegated powers clearly indicates that they issue after consultation with I.F.A.;
  9. To identify, in particular, specific savings in cases of creation of posts and to maintain a Register for this purpose;
  10. To Scrutinize proposals for re-delegation of powers to subordinate authorities;
  11. To keep closely associated with the formulation of schemes and important expenditure proposals from their initial stages;
  12. To associate with the evaluation of progress/ performance in the case of projects and other continuing schemes and to see that the results of such evaluation studies are taken into account in the budget formulation;
  13. To watch the settlement of audit objections, Inspection Report, draft audit paras., etc.;
  14. To ensure prompt action on Audit Reports and Appropriation Accounts, Reports of Public Accounts Committee, Estimates Committee and Committee on Public Undertakings;
  15. To Screen all expenditure proposals requiring to be referred to Ministry of Finance for concurrence or comments;
  16. To ensure regular and timely submission to the Ministry of Finance of quarterly staff statements and other reports and returns required by them;
  17. To render technical advice in all the matters requiring clarity of financial interpretation of rules by administration Secretary.
  18. To implement cash management system, economy measures etc. as circulated by Department of Expenditure from time to time.
  19. Any other item as instructed/directed by Financial Adviser of the Department.
Line Ministries
  • Department of Economic Affairs

  • Department of Expenditure

Who's Who
Name Designation Email ID
Sh. Jayant Sinha Additional Secretary & Financial Advisor asfainb[at]gov[dot]in
Ms. Nimisha Jha Director nimisha[dot]jha[at]gov[dot]in
Sh. Niraj Singh Under Secretary niraj[dot]singh04[at]nic[dot]in
Sh. R. Joses Vashum Section Officer joses[dot]v [at]nic[dot]in
Sh. Vineesh Arora Section Officer vineesh[dot]arora[at]nic[dot]in